Contact Information
(Updated: 26 May 2024)
We welcome feedback about the website. Tell us about errors and omissions, politely please! Email us at:
Tell us about your club, school, society or group events. Email us at:
If you wish to contact the Parish Council, or book the Village Hall, or contact the Horspath
Parish Clerk, please visit the Parish Council website at:
Parish Council Website
For information about the Horspath Hub, please visit their website at: Horspath Hub Website where you will find details about booking the Hub, news about future events, and classes and activities available.
St Giles, Horspath Parish Church
Vicar: The Reverend Karen Charman, telephone: 01865 361146,
Facebook: St Giles Facebook
Church Wardens:
Brian Lowe, telephone: 01865 873342.
Maureen Underdown, telephone: 07584 080661
To report service problems:
Power cuts (Southern Electric) call 0845 770 8090
Environment Agency Floodline call 0845 988 1188
Gas leaks (British Gas) call 0800 111 999
Water mains leaks (Thames Water) call 0845 9200 800 or 0800 714614
Road drain flooding (OCC Environmental Services) call 0845 310 1111
Potholes and other road damage (OCC Environmental Services) call 0845 310 1111
Problems with road verges (OCC Environmental Services) call 0845 310 1111